Looking for a three-wheeler that can accommodate more passengers? A combination of Bajaj Maxima Cargo and Motorela—Bajaj Maxirela, got you! Let’s explore the fascinating story of Leveriza-Pasay Transport Service Cooperative and discover why they are revolutionizing transportation with the Bajaj Maxirela!
Maximum Income – Pasay City is recognized as the Bajaj RE Capital due to the fuel-saving capabilities of the Bajaj RE, which caught the attention of the Leveriza-Pasay Transport Service Cooperative. Over seventy (70) members have already attested to its cost-efficiency, prompting them to consider proposing the Bajaj Maxirela design that can accommodate six passengers in a single trip or more. More rides mean more income!
Maximum Durability– The Bajaj Maxirela stands out when it comes to durability, thanks to its heavy-duty CV shaft that allows it to conquer any road, smooth or rough. The 236cc DTSi FI Engine’s strong pull isn’t a problem either. It’s durable even if it’s been used continuously as transportation from morning to night!
Maximum Comfort – The Bajaj Maxirela delivers a modern feel of transportation, from the jeepney-like passenger seats to the ergonomic drive cabin. As for the compact design of the vehicle, you are comfortable whether it rains or shines. You can’t deny that you are beyond any ride with the Bajaj Maxirela! Are you interested in Bajaj Maxirela? Inquire or order now! Click this link: https://bit.ly/inquirebajajthree-wheelernow or go to www.bajaj.com.ph to find out the nearest authorized dealer store in your area.